Expecting and New Mothers

As a Nurturing the Mother Certified Pregnancy Massage Therapist I offer safe and therapeutic pregnancy massage, labor support massage, partner massage training, and newborn massage. Supporting you and your growing family throughout this beautiful journey!

The Nurturing the Mother program includes massage for each trimester and relief for the common discomforts the mother may be experiencing. I am also trained in Labor Support Massage, which can be utilized throughout the labor or by training the mother's partner in how to give massage in labor, As the mother returns to her pre-pregnant state, my postpartum techniques will aid in the realignment and recovery of her body. I can also offer guidance to the new parent to give newborn massage as learned under the Nurturing the Mother Program.

Research has shown that pregnancy massage strengthens the immune system, decreases blood pressure, decreases stress hormones, SHORTENS LABOR TIME, and helps restore the body in the postpartum phase. Numerous studies have also shown many benefits to the newborn and infant when massage is performed daily for 15 minutes. Learn how to relieve your baby's stress, increase body weight, strengthen the immune system as well as receiving the added relaxation benefit to the giver!

To receive the full benefit of a Nurturing the Mother massage, I strongly recommend a 90 minute session. However, if you are short on time, a 60 minute session will still be wonderful. To book, simply click on "schedule appointment" and from there you will be redirected to my scheduling site. You may also call or text (502) 797-9075 to book. I look forward to serving you!